30 Ekim 2005
MALZEMELER;*2 su bardağı sıvı yağ
*4 su bardağı un.
* 1 su bardağı ceviz içi.
ŞERBETİ İÇİN;*3 su bardağı şeker.
*3 su bardağı su.
HAZIRLANIŞ;Efendim malumunuz; öncelikle sıvı yağ kızdırılır(yakmadan tabii) sonrasında un ilave edilir ve bir güzel kavrulur, kavurma işlemi keyfe kederdir duyrulur!(rengi tamamen arzuya göre;lakın benim fikrimi sorarsanız; ben derim ki; rengi dönene kadar kavurun!) ortalık un ve yağın kavrulmasından muhtemel yayılan kokuyla dolduktan sonra, rondodan çekmiş olduğumuz cevizleride ilave edip şöyle bir kavuralım; ayrı bir kapta su ve şekeri eritip üzerine yavaş yavaş ilave edelim! artık helvamız kıvam almaya başladı değil mi? kıvam alan helvamızın altını kapatıp üzerine de havlu koyalım ve dinlenmeye bırakalım! Dinlenen helvamız servise hazırdır ♥♥♥
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Ellerine sağlık, o kadar güzel anlatmışsın ki, kokusu buraya kadar geldi. Çok severim.
Asil sana afiyet olsun, bizim yerimize de ye bari.
canım kardesim ellerine saglık her nekadar ikimizde gurbette olsakta kalplerimiz beraber.
becerikli ellerinle yaptıgın un helvanı ve bu güzel geceyi simgeleyen gülünü aldık,kokladık afiyetle bakındık.
Bana un helvası borcun var ona göre.
ablan ....:)
Bayramınız kutlu olsun.
kusura kalma bayram telaşı nedeniyle siteni ihmal ettik.sonunda damak lezzetime uygun tarifi gördüm.testen sonra raporlarım.kolay gelsin.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell company construction mn road. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
company construction mn road. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like company construction mn road on interest free credit and you can pay for your company construction mn road whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: company construction mn road.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell instant road repair. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
instant road repair. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like instant road repair on interest free credit and you can pay for your instant road repair whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: instant road repair.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell georgia highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
georgia highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like georgia highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your georgia highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: georgia highway construction.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction of pa. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction of pa. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction of pa on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction of pa whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction of pa.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell instant road repair. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
instant road repair. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like instant road repair on interest free credit and you can pay for your instant road repair whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: instant road repair.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell quality assurance highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
quality assurance highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like quality assurance highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your quality assurance highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: quality assurance highway construction.
Dear evperisi,
I perused your post (KANDİLE ÖZEL CEVİZLİ UN HELVASI) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.
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